Copyright Random House

“One-two-three-kick” along with Sooki, the Saggy Baggy Elephant!  The delightful Saggy Baggy Elephant by Kathryn and Byron Jackson, illustrated by Gustaf Tenggren has been a family favorite for over 50 years.  Now Sooki, the Saggy Baggy Elephant is celebrating with audiences who are joining in with a joyous “one-two-three-kick” of their own.  The wearer of the Saggy Baggy Elephant costume should be of average build.

The rental fee for the Saggy Baggy Elephant costume has been graciously provided by the publisher Random House for promotional use only at schools, libraries, and bookstores.  The only cost to you is Second-Day Air shipping arranged by Costume Specialists to send the costume to its next event which is only $170.00.