* Custom Mascot and Costume Services *
No matter what special features or how many appendages your character has, you can count on the customized services of Costume Specialist to keep even the busiest mascot character trouble-free. Our Costume Management Service will tailor a program to meet your needs — even if we weren’t the folks who originally made your costume. Contact us for professional mascot cleaning, repairs, on-site storage, custom trunks, shipping, schedule coordination, rentals and more. You can rest easy knowing your company mascot will look great and so will your company image. We will give your mascot the individual and celebrity attention that it deserves.

* Safety and Sanitation Precautions *
Any costume arriving to Costume Specialists that has been out on tour or at a past event will be cleaned using our normal processes. Our processes meet and exceed the CDC recommendations for disinfection. If you would like to book reservations for an event or have any questions, please Contact Us.